JAKARTA, AFTERMARKETPLUS – PT Total Oil Indonesia meluncurkan produk pelumas terbarunya, yaitu Total Quartz 9000 Future GF5 0W-20.

Pelumas berteknologi sintetis ini di klaim mampu melindungi mesin secara maksimal dari keausan dan deposit.

Selain itu, kualitas pelumas 0W-20 mampu mengurangi gesekan internal mesin dengan baik sehingga dapat memberikan kekuatan optimal untuk menghasilkan kinerja superior sekaligus menghemat pemakaian bahan bakar.

Total Quartz 9000 Future GF5 0W-20 dapat digunakan untuk beragam jenis mesin berkat berbagai fiturnya yang memenuhi standar API dan ILSAC.

Pelumas terbaru dari Total ini rencana akan dipasarkan pada bulan Agustus 2017.

About pekik udi irianto 2284 Articles
1. Otomotif Tabloid, PT Dunia Otomotifindo - Group of Magazine as Photographer from May 2, 1994 to June 14, 2001 2. Otosport Tabloid, PT Penerbit Media Motorindo - Group of Magazine as Photographer from June 15, 2001 to December 31, 2001 3. Otosport Tabloid, Automotive Media Supporting Unit, PT Penerbit Media Motorindo - Group of Magazine as Photo Editor from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 4. Otosport Tabloid, PT Penerbit Media Motorindo - Group of Magazine as Photo Editor from January 1, 2003 to April 5, 2003 5. Auto Bild Magazine, PT Penerbit Media Motorindo - Group of Magazine as Photo Editor from May 6, 2003 to December 31, 2008 6. Photographic Section, Auto Bild Editorial Department, Automotif Media, Publishing II Division, PT Infometro Mediatama - Group of Magazine as Photo Editor from January 1, 2009 to October 31, 2014 7. as Editor in Chief from August 2, 2015 to present